Saturday 15th March 2025 in Rudgwick Village Hall

Are you, or someone you know, one of the many people who have thought of investigating keeping bees, but didn’t know what it involves? Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association (WGBKA) have an “Introduction to Beekeeping” day on Saturday 15th March 2025 in Rudgwick Village Hall

It is tailored for those who may have an interest in keeping bees, but aren’t sure if it is for them or not. The day is packed with all the information needed to become a beekeeper, including the time needed, basic equipment, costs and where to site beehives. This is a popular annual event that has been run since 2006 and tutored by very experienced beekeepers. It has introduced several hundred people to the craft.

For those who wish to go further, there will be a free follow-up session at the large and well equipped WGBKA teaching apiary, where you can handle bees under supervision. This provides the opportunity to learn and achieve a reasonable level of competence using someone else’s facilities before buying bees and equipment. The course is also suitable for those who may have just started beekeeping, but have had little or no guidance.

WGBKA members live in West Sussex and South Surrey, within about 15 – 20 miles of Wisborough Green. If you know someone who might be interested, please let them know, or maybe you are looking for an unusual, but useful present for someone – well, here it is! Vouchers are available.

Further information for beekeepers and non-beekeepers about the Introduction to Beekeeping Day and general beekeeping can be found on the WGBKA website.