Be prepared for winter
Winter Power Loss – Be Prepared !
Every year we remind residents at this time to get prepared for winter – we never know if or when bad weather will arrive. Plan ahead and get yourselves prepared for extreme weather and possible power loss now.
- Do you have a camping stove? If so, do you have any gas including a spare? Best buy now whilst stocks are plentiful.
- Check your supply of candles/matches and obtain spare batteries for torches.
- If you have an open fire, ensure that you always have a supply of logs, coal and firelighters. Has your chimney been swept and is your fire ready for use?
- Do you have a corded telephone somewhere in the house? This is worth remembering as the cordless ones we so frequently use generally don’t work without power.
- Do you have a flask that could be filled with hot water if required?
- What about a traditional hot water bottle (without power the microwaveable ones can’t be heated).
- Perhaps some tinned/packet soups and other non-perishable food stocks would be useful to those who would be unable to leave their homes in treacherous conditions.
Dealing with Snow and Ice
Arrangements have been put in place to have key areas in the village cleared by David Pegley Contracting. However, we have to be realistic about what can be done and therefore help from the community to clear pavements is needed. The following article has been taken from the Government information website. If we do get heavy snow this winter, then please do your bit to keep the village moving!
Government Information Website
You can clear snow and ice from pavements yourself. It’s unlikely that you’ll be sued or held responsible if someone is injured on a path or pavement if you’ve cleared it carefully.
When you clear snow and ice:
- do it early in the day – it’s easier to move fresh, loose snow.
- don’t use water – it might refreeze and turn to black ice use salt if possible – it will melt the ice or snow and stop it from refreezing.
- overnight (but don’t use the salt from salting bins as this is used to keep roads clear).
- you can use ash and sand if you don’t have enough salt – it will provide grip underfoot.
- pay extra attention when clearing steps and steep pathways – using more salt may help.