Parish Council Policies and Reference Documents


To help with the administration and function of the Parish Council, a number of policies documents are required, some of which are statutory. These policies are reviewed regularly by the Council and updated as necessary.

Parish Council Administration

Code of Conduct

The Code applies to members of the Council as representatives of Wisborough Green Parish Council and should be read in conjunction with the general principles of public life.

Following consultation, the document was reviewed by the Local Government Association in 2020. The Model Code of Conduct, as recommended by Chichester District Council, was adopted unchanged on 17 May 2022.
Annual Review

Code of Conduct

Standing Orders

Standing Orders regulate the business and proceedings of the Council.

Reviewed and Section 18 amended as advised by NALC May 2022
Annual Review

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and are reviewed annually. The council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the council has a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of the council’s functions, including arrangements for the management of risk.

Adopted 21 May 2024
Annual Review

Financial Regulations

Terms of Reference

Finance Committee

Sets out the membership, responsibilities and delegated powers of the committee.

First adopted 17 May 2016
Annual Review

Terms of Reference

Neighbourhood Plan Review

Sets out the membership, responsibilities and delegated powers of the Neighbourhood Plan Review Steering Group.

First adopted October 2018
Annual Review

Terms of Reference

Planning Committee

Sets out the membership, responsibilities and delegated powers of the committee.

First adopted 15 May 2018
Annual Review

Terms of Reference

Green Coordination Group

Sets out the membership and role of this advisory group which reports back to the Parish Council.

First adopted 21 May 2019
Annual Review

Terms of Reference

Financial Policies

Payment & Internet Banking Policy

The Legislative Reform (Payments by Parish Councils, Community Councils and Charter Trustees) Order 2014 came into effect on 12th March 2014. This Order repealed the statutory requirement for two elected members to sign cheques and other orders for payment.

The removal of this particular legal requirement will enable the Parish Council to taking advantage of modern payment methods, such as online banking.

First Adopted: March 2019
Biannual Review
Re-adopted unchanged May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Payment and Internet Banking Policy

Investment Policy

This policy sets out the treasury management procedures for the monitoring of the cash flow and banking arrangements of Wisborough Green Parish Council.

First Adopted: 15 January 2019
Annual Review

Investment Policy

Parish Grant Scheme

The Parish Plan published in 2004 highlighted the importance of voluntary groups to the life of the village, now and in the past. To ensure that this continues to be the case in the future, the Parish Council established, in autumn 2004, a new grant scheme to promote the development of new groups and to help those already in existence that need extra support to get their activities established. This policy has been updated over the years.

First Adopted: October 2004 and updated June 2021
Periodic Review
Last Review: May 2023

Parish Grant Scheme Details and Application Process

General Policies

Bench Donation Policy

Wisborough Green Parish Council supports the principle of allowing memorial benches within the Parish, and will manage and regulate the process. The following policy has been adopted to provide guidance and includes an application form.

First adopted: 19 September 2017
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Bench Donation Policy

Biodiversity Policy

Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006 makes it clear that as a public authority, Wisborough Green Parish Council has a duty to have regard to conserving biodiversity as part of its policy and decision making. Under the 2021 Environmental Act, public authorities operating in England must consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity.

First adopted: 16 January 2024
Biannual Review
Next Review: January 2026

Biodiversity Policy

Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy

The Parish Council recognises the importance of child protection and is committed to ensuring that children and vulnerable people are safeguarded whilst engaged in any activity associated with the Parish Council.

First adopted: 15 January 2013
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy
Appendix A
Appendix B

Complaints Procedure Council

Deals with complaints about the administration and procedures of the Council.

First adopted: 21 June 2011
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure Councillors

If you have a complaint against a Councillor’s conduct, please follow this complaints process as detailed in this document.

Data Protection (GDPR Compliance)

“Personal data” is any information about a living individual which allows them to be identified from that data (for example a name, photographs, videos, email address, or address). Identification can be directly using the data itself or by combining it with other information which helps to identify a living individual. The processing of personal data is governed by legislation relating to personal data which applies in the United Kingdom including the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR) and other legislation relating to personal data and rights such as the Human Rights Act. The Parish Council had therefore adopted a number of policies and procedures to ensure that any data the Council holds is protected. If you feel that a breach has occurred, please contact the Clerk immediately who acts as the Parish Council’s Data Protection Officer.

Policies reviewed and updated: July 2019
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Data Protection Registration Certificate

Data Protection Policy and Subject Access Request Details

General Privacy Notice

Parish Council Training Policy



Developer Engagement

The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) makes clear that it is appropriate for someone proposing development to engage with a Local Planning Authority and with statutory consultees, including a Parish Council, before a planning application is submitted. 

Discussions with landowners, developers or their representatives are welcomed by the Parish Council at an early stage when set within the context of the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan (NP) or NP Review.

First Adopted: 18 June 2019. Document amended and updated June 2024.
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2024
Next Review: May 2026

Developer Engagement Policy

Filming on the Green

The Parish Council acknowledges that the picturesque and historical character of the village centre is an appeal to those in the film industry and in order to promote the village and support the local economy, will support the use of Parish Council land for filming purposes in accordance with the policy.

First Adopted 21 October 2014 (charges updated 2017)
Bi-annual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Filming on The Green Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

The Freedom of Information Act grants members of the public rights of access to al kinds of recorded information held b y a wide range of public authorities. The Parish Council is committed to openness and accountability and already makes large amounts of information available to the public through the website, via the telephone or by post. If you cannot find what you are looking for then please contact the Clerk.

New Procedure adopted July 2019
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Freedom of Information Request Procedure

Health & Safety Policy

The Parish Council maintains this policy for the management of health and safety as its top priority and will do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure effective organisation and planning are established and maintained.

First adopted 17 January 2012
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Health & Safety Policy

Press and Media Policy

This document sets out the framework for Parish Council members and employees to follow when in contact with the media, to inform the public about the Parish Council’s activities, decisions and the services it provides in a consistent way.

First Adopted: 19 May 2015
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Press and Media Policy

Retention of Documents

The Parish Council recognises that the efficient management of its records is necessary to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the Parish Council. This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by the Parish Council in the course of carrying out its functions.

First Adopted: 18 July 2019
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Documents Retention Policy

Village Sign Policy

The Parish Council acknowledges the importance of advertising signs for village businesses and event organisers, but must also consider the impact upon the appearance of a rural village environment. As such, signs will be permitted in accordance with this policy.

First Adopted: 19 January 2010
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Village Sign Policy

Social Media Policy

Social Media is the term commonly given to websites and online tools allowing users to interact with each other in some way – sharing information, opinions, knowledge and interests. This policy has been adopted to offer guidance to Council staff and members.

First Adopted: 21 March 2017
Biannual Review
Last Review: May 2023
Next Review: May 2025

Social Media Policy

Village Green Policy

The Green is for the benefit of parishioners, Wisborough Green Sports CIO (WGS) and visiting members of public. The aim of this policy is to offer guidance for the use and maintenance for all those who use or have an interest in the Green.

First Adopted: November 2021
Biannual Review
Next Review: November 2023 – delayed due to linking with the new Pavilion Lease

Village Green Policy

Other Documents

Village Major Emergency Plan

This plan provides simple guidance to enable support to the inter-agency services or, if appropriate, a start to self-help response in the event of a major incident or emergency within the community.

The definition of a ‘Major Incident’ or ‘Major Emergency’ as per Chichester District Council is, “an incident endangering or likely to endanger life and property that to deal with would be beyond the scope and facilities of normal day to day operational capabilities of those inter-agencies’ response”.

Major Emergency Plan

Management & Financial Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is the identifying and analysing of events that may negatively impact upon individuals, working conditions, workplace activities and environmental factors. The Parish Council, based on a recorded assessment, will take all practical and necessary steps to reduce or eliminate the risks, in so far as is practically possible.

This document has been produced to enable Wisborough Green Parish Council to assess the risks that it faces and satisfy itself that it has taken adequate steps to minimise.

First Adopted: 16 November 2021
Annual Review
Last Review: November 2022
Next Review: November 2023

Management & Financial Risk Assessment for 2022/2023

Winter Management Plan

The purpose of the Plan is to identify the arrangements in place as a response to significant weather events ONLY – the clearing of snow and ice – and the action taken by WSCC Highways, the Parish Council and self-help within the village. This document is supplementary to the existing Major Emergency Plan, which would come into effect if an emergency situation is declared by the Major Emergency Plan Team.

Winter Management Plan

WMP Appendix

Parish Footpath Charter

Public rights of way are open to everyone. They can be roads, paths or tracks, and can run through towns, countryside or over privately owned land. All public rights of way are recorded on the Definitive Map. The land over which a public right of way passes belongs to the respective landowner and a clear distinction must be made between public and private access rights.

The Parish of Wisborough Green is fortunate to have many public rights of way that allow access into the countryside, many of which cross land privately owned by farmers and householders.

Landowners have an obligation to make public rights of way accessible to individuals, and individuals using these routes also have obligations to the landowner. This charter details each party’s obligations.

First Adopted: November 2019
Biannual Review
Next Review: November 2021

Public Rights of Way Charter

Staff Policies

Anti-Harassment & Bullying Policy

In support of our value to respect others, the Parish Council will not tolerate bullying or harassment by, or of, any of its employees, officials, members, contractors, visitors or members of the community which we serve. This policy reflects the spirit in which the Council intends to undertake all of its business.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2024

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy


Equality & Diversity Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide equal opportunities to all employees.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2025

Equality & Diversity Policy

Employee Disciplinary Procedure

This procedure is designed to help and encourage all council employees to achieve and maintain high standards of conduct whilst at work or representing the council.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2023

Employee Disciplinary Procedure

Grievance Procedure

This policy document describes the procedure which aims to facilitate a speedy, fair and consistent solution to an employee’s employment grievance.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2023

Grievance Policy


Employee Code of Conduct

The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines to Council employees to help maintain and improve standards, and to protect employees from misunderstanding or criticism. Employees are representatives of the Council and must therefore act accordingly whilst at work.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2025

Employee Code of Conduct

Employee Absence Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the operational efficient of the Council can be maintained whilst employees are absent from work for sickness or injury related reasons.

First adopted 18 July 2023
Bi-annual Review
Next Review: July 2025

Employee Absence Policy