Chichester District Council
There is a two-tier system of local government in West Sussex, the county council (West Sussex County Council) and Chichester District Council. The South Downs National Park also covers the southern section of the Parish in the park, although most services are provided by Chichester. Generally, the county council is responsible for the more strategic functions and services such as education and social care. The district and borough councils provide more local services although some functions are shared between county and district.
Chichester District Council covers 303 square miles, including Chichester, Selsey, Midhurst and Petworth, with a population of 112,600. The Council works closely with a number of partner, community and voluntary organisations, from West Sussex County Council and parish councils to the South Downs National Park Authority and the Police and deals with around 100 services including:
- waste and recycling collection;
- planning and building control; view planning applications here.
- housing;
- housing and council tax benefits;
- sport and leisure;
- community safety;
- environmental health;
- public conveniences;
- street cleaning;
- car parks and CCTV;
- business support and development;
- coastal protection;
- abandoned vehicles and fly tipping; report fly tipping here.
- cemeteries.
For more information, visit the Chichester District Council website.
District Councillor
In 2018, an electoral boundary review was undertaken which changed the Wisborough Green Ward (which included Kirdford) to the larger Loxwood Ward, which now includes Loxwood, Wisborough Green, Kirdford, Ebernoe and Northchapel. The Ward is represented by two District Councillors who regularly attend the monthly Parish Council meetings to update on District matters and to hear about any local concerns.
Cllr Gareth Evans (Liberal Democrats): Cllr Evans also holds regular surgeries in the parishes. Look in Village News for his latest post and surgery dates.