Sport & Exercise


The Sports Pavilion on the Green

Wisborough Green Sports  Wisborough Green Sports logo


Wisborough Green Sports CIO provides the structure for active cricket, football and stoolball clubs in the village and exists to:-

  • Promote and support all sporting activities in the village for all age groups.
  • Coordinate the various team sports to avoid clashes in fixture dates, times, pitches and requirement for changing facilities.
  • Maintain the Pavilion in good order.
  • Support clubs in the maintenance of the pitches.
  • Provide insurance cover for all potential risks to teams, players, and third parties.
  • Provide refreshment facilities of a suitable standard.
  • To keep up with legislation associated with sport and to ensure compliance with local Licensing Laws.
  • Provide a communication link with other organisations in the Village who may wish to use the Green and the Pavilion.

The individual clubs have annual memberships which include membership of the WG Sports. The association also runs a social membership scheme for non playing members which is £5.00 per year and entitles the member to use the facilities of the Pavilion and the Bar. Any new member needs to be introduced by an existing member.

The Bar is open:
Tuesday to Friday 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Saturday 12 noon to 11.00 pm
Sunday 12 noon to 10.30 pm
For further information about social membership or any other matters relating to the WG Sports, please contact the Secretary, Clare Steere, on 01403 700584. The Pavilion’s telephone number is : 01403 700474.

Cricket Club

Formed around 167 years ago, this is a thriving club offering cricket to all ages. For further information contact Tarnie Dixon (Chairman) on 01403 700844, visit the club’s website.

Football Club

A friendly village club offering football to all ages. For further information contact Simon Penfold (Chairman) on 01403 700756.

Touch Rugby

The Club in its seventh year and is growing!  Mixed social Touch is played and membership is open to all from the age of 14 years and up. More information.

Stoolball Club

A friendly ladies team which plays on the Village Green on a Monday and Wednesday evening during the summer months (generally May to the end of August) from 6.30 pm until 9.00 pm. Although part of the West Division and playing in the league against 9 other teams, friendly games are also played during the season. Away games are also arranged. New members are encouraged and always most welcome.
For further information, please contact Alison Luke on 01403 700752.

The main entrance to the Village Hall from the car park

Sport & Exercise in the Village Hall

Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club (SMBC)

The club meets in the Village Hall every Monday (2.30 pm to 4.30 pm) and Wednesday (1.30 pm to 3.30 pm) and is a small friendly group of mixed ages and abilities. Since starting up in 2009, the club has grown in both strength and numbers with a 2017 membership of around 28.

As our playing ability has increased, the club has now introduced both a summer and winter programme of friendly fixtures against other local clubs which provide great social occasions as well as opportunities to improve one’s game.

In addition, the Club Committee organises Singles, Pairs and Triples competitions for club members together with an annual dinner which is usually held in November.


Table Tennis Club

The Club meets every Wednesday from 4 to 6 pm. New members are always welcome – it’s a friendly and informal bunch!  All grades of players welcome- beginners to olympic standard(!). £2 per session
Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Pilates Class

Held every Friday, 9.15 am to 10.45 pm.  For further information, call Liz Fielden on 01403 752066.

The Latest Sports News

WG Short Mat Bowls Club

he club meets in the Village Hall every Monday (2pm to 4pm) and is a small friendly group of mixed ages and abilities. Since starting up in 2009, the club has grown in both strength and numbers with a current membership of over 30. Just one match...