Your Councillors and the Clerk

The Parish Council has 9 members. Councillors are either elected every 4 years (the next election is in May 2019) or co-opted onto the Council as vacancies arise. In May at the start of each new Parish Council year, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected and Councillors agree committee positions and areas of interest. Please address all correspondence through the Clerk.

Peter Drummond, Chairman

Peter Drummond

Since 2003 Pete has lived in Bedham, at the far end of the Parish, having grown up in Loxwood. When he joined the Parish Council, in October 2014, it was to concentrate on the PC response to Gatwick’s trial of departure routes and the effects of the airport’s expansion; he helped establish the Association of Parish Council’s Aviation Group, whose representative sits on Gatwick’s Noise Management Board.

Pete was elected Parish Council Chairman in May 2017 and is now involved in many aspects of the PC’s work but is particularly interested in planning for the village’s future.

He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.

Areas of Interest:
Finance Committee (Chairman)
Gatwick Airport
Local Council/Outside Associations (voting rights)
Planning Committee

T: 07976 253969

Andy Burbridge

Andy lives at Newpound and has served on the Council since February 2015. He is very involved in village sporting activities. With his extensive knowledge of playing surfaces, he is well placed to represent the Parish Council on the Green Co-ordination Group and advise on work to the Green for the benefit of the whole community. He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.


Areas of Interest:
Green Coordination Group
Major Emergency Plan
Planning Committee
Youth Activities

T: 01403 701902



David Hill

David was co-opted onto the Council in June 2024

He has lived in WG for just over two years and in that time, he has not only fallen in love with the village but feels both pride and privileged to be living here. Having been raised in a similar rural village, where the passing decades of development sadly resulted in it losing its original charm, discovering WG brought back the joy of living in a unique and identifiable country village. This inspired David to join the Parish Council and be part of a team that is committed to preserve and develop, not only the structure of the community, but the safety and happiness of the residents.


Areas of Interest
Planning Committee
Traffic Management Plan

T: 07545 531193



Andrew Jackson

Andrew is our longest serving Councillor, being elected onto the Council in May 1992 so achieving 25 year’s service to the village in 2017. Andrew’s experience, knowledge and tremendous commitment are of great value to the Council. His thorough understanding of both planning  makes him an experienced Chairman of this committee. He has a good grasp of the finances too! He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.



Areas of Interest:

Finance Committee
Neighbourhood Plan Review Group
New Pavilion Project/Trustee Liaison
Planning Committee (Chairman)
Village Hall Trustee

T: 01403 700574




Following the resignation of Mark Ogden Meade in October 2024, the Parish Council now has one vacancy. If you are interested in this role and would like to receive further information, please contact the Clerk on 01403 701102 or email



Howard True

Howard originally served on the Parish Council in the mid-1990’s and was encouraged to return in March 2014. Having been in the village for over 25 years, he has a wealth of village knowledge and experience.  He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.



Areas of Interest:
Finance Committee (Monthly Bank Reconciliations)
Major Emergency Plan
Planning Committee
Traffic Management Plan Group
Winter Management Plan

T: 01403 700150



Martin Watson

​Martin moved to Wisborough Green in 2009 and lives down Harsfold Lane.  He was encouraged to join the Council by an ex-councillor and was first co-opted onto the Council in March 2017. He is delighted to make a positive contribution to his community and being a self-confessed stickler for detail, is pleased to help make decisions and move Parish Council projects forward. He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.



Areas of Interest:
Finance Committee
Green Coordination Group
New Pavilion Project/Trustee Liaison
Planning Committee

T: 07836 700923

Sophie Winship - Vice Chairman

Sophie was first co-opted onto the Council in January 2021. Having grown up in Wisborough Green, forth generation, she moved back to the village in 2019. Since then Sophie has become involved in the Community Speedwatch Group and before joining the Parish Council, joined the Parish Council’s Traffic Management Plan working group as a community member. Sophie is proud to be a WG resident and looks for positive outcomes to situations and challenges. She has observed that the village is constantly changing and faces new challenges. She joins the Parish Council to help maintain its beauty, community spirit and rich history, acknowledging that this needs sensitive and sympathetic guidance. We are delighted that Sophie agreed to be Vice-Chair at the May 2022 Annual Parish Council Meeting. She was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.


Areas of Interest:

Community Speedwatch Coordinator
Planning Committee
Traffic Management Plan Working Group

T: 01403 700783



Tim Worrall

​Tim was co-opted onto the Council in January 2021 having shown his interest in the village by attending meetings as a member of public and a keen and observant reader of the minutes. Tim has lived in Glebe Way with his family for 15 years and knows the village well, having previously served as a school governor, volunteer minibus driver and helped at other village events.  With work pressures now reduced, Tim is able to devote more time to the village, and brings to the Council both skills and experience gained during his career. He was elected back onto the Council by way of an uncontested election in May 2023.


Areas of Interest:
Major Emergency Plan
Planning Committee
Winter Management Plan

T: 01403 700100



Louise Davies, Parish Clerk

Louise has lived in Wisborough Green since the early 90s and has been Clerk since March 2002. She has seen her role develop and become more demanding over the years.



Wisborough Green Parish Council
PO Box 255
Wisborough Green
Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 0WT
(Alternatively, there is a Post Box at the Village Hall which is checked weekly)

T: Parish Council Office: 01403 701102