Local Initiatives
Community Speed Watch
In August 2020, the Parish Council established a new Community Speed Watch Group. The Group was formed to primarily address motorbike speed and noise concerns on the A272 but with the intention that if could be extended to other areas in the village if suitable operating sites could be found. If you are concerned about speeding traffic and would like to be involved, please contact the Parish Council Clerk.
What is Community Speed Watch?
- A locally driven initiative where members of the community, with the support of the Police, monitor vehicle speeds using detection devices.
- Speeding vehicles are referred to the police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce speed.
- Volunteers receive training and are supported by the neighbourhood policing team.
- The scheme aims to cater for the problem of real or perceived speed related offending.
Through partnership with the community, it can help to:
- Reduce death and injury on the roads.
- Improve the quality of life for local communities.
- Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit.
- Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed.
Community Speed Watch is not about interfering with neighbours’ behaviour; it is a proactive solution to improve the safety and quality of life for everyone in the community.
More information can be found at on the community speed watch website.
School Road Voluntary One-Way System
At the start and finish of the school day, traffic around the village is far busier that during the day. Difficulties in parking and perhaps the ‘running late’ situation has led to inconsiderate parking and driving which has caused problems for residents as well as safety concerns for children walking to school. Rather than introduce a permanent one-way system, which the Parish Council believes is not in keeping with a rural village (additional signage required), a voluntary one-way system has been introduced. This is in operation for school drop-off and pick-up: enter from the pond off the A272 between 8.30 – 9.15 am and 3.00-3.45 pm.
Thank you for supporting this scheme to help with our village rush hour!
The Parish Council would encourage parents/carers to use other parking areas around the village such as the Village Hall car park, Cricketers car park and Three Crowns car park. Please ensure that you follow the one-way when leaving the Village Hall car park.
Community Litter Picking
Although the Parish Council employs a litter warden to keep the centre of the village clean, twice a year, in October and April, we organise a community litter picking session. We divide up to tackle the grass verges, layby and other areas that are sadly prone to litter. Gloves, litter picking sticks, bags and bag holders are provided. We usually meet on a Saturday afternoon at 2 pm on the Sundial Green. Details are published in the parish magazine, on the noticeboards and this website. Do consider joining this community initiative and help us to keep Wisborough Green clean. We look forward to seeing you.
If you do have any queries, please contact the Parish Council Clerk.