
Dear Friends,

The summer is drawing ever closer, and with it a break which for many of our families is something to dread as opposed to something to look forward to. With financial constraints still a huge issue for the majority of our caseloads, it is hard to fill the long summer break with activities that keep children occupied without adding additional stress to already complex family situations. As a result, we try to organise as many local and charity-wide events and activities that we can that will give parents a break and give children the opportunity to try new experiences. If you would like to support this in any way then please see our “Magical Summer” campaign on our website home page (

Our recent activity has been very much focussed on helping families with school, housing and health related issues. Complicated forms and bureaucracy can be very overwhelming for our clients, so our practitioners’ ability to explain in simple terms and assist with these official documents is a huge help.

Moving to our fundraising activity, we are delighted to announce that the “Leap of Faith” skydive team was able to complete their jump. The total raised so far is in the region of £6700, which is absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much to everybody who supported this event, and if you head to the News section of our website you will be able to see the video of their experience. We also had a successful Cuckmere Pilgrim Path sponsored walk at the end of May – a new event which we will be repeating next year by popular request. Our Amberley-Arundel walk is taking place on 22nd August, so please get in touch if you would like to join this event by emailing the team on

Our charity shop in Eastbourne is very short of children’s clothes and toys, so if you are able to donate any suitable items then we would be delighted to hear from you – please contact Spencer or phone 01273 832963.

With many thanks for your continued support and prayers.

Nikki Kerr, FSW Director of Fundraising and Marketing