Neighbourhood Plan Review

Regulation 14 Consultation         THE CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED

Notification of Formal Consultation on the Revised Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14 Town and Country Planning, England Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012)

In accordance with Regulation 14 (and Schedule 1) of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations (2012) as amended, the Draft Revised Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan has now been published. This Revised Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2037 is a update to the original Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 adopted by Chichester District Council on 19th July 2016.

The purpose of the Revised Plan is to set out the vision, objectives and policies for the growth of the Wisborough Green Parish over the period 2019 to 2037. Once adopted, the Plan will form part of the Chichester Development Plan and will be used in determining planning applications in the Parish.

CONSULTATION UPDATE: A local consultation on the Revised Neighbourhood Plan will take place from Tuesday 4th May closing on Wednesday 30th June 2021, extended from Friday 18th June 2021. (Deadline extended on 14th May 2021.)

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) are also published alongside the Neighbourhood Plan and comments on these documents are also invited. These documents can be found at the links below and a limited number of hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan are available at the Village Shop. Hard copies and electronic copies can also be requested by contacting the Parish Clerk who is also able to assist with any queries. Contact details are provided below.

We request that you send any comments on the Neighbourhood Plan, SEA and HRA to the Parish Clerk at or included on a separate sheet and attached to the consultation booklet.

Please also note the ‘Regulation 14 Statement’ below which is a statement setting out whether modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan are so significant or substantial as to change the nature of the Plan (as required by Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations).

It is very important that Wisborough Green residents have a say in what happens to our village and the Revised Plan gives us all this opportunity. The Revised Plan defines where all the new houses will be built over the next 15 years, as well as policies on housing, vernacular, transport and parking, the environment and others.

Due to current Covid regulations, it is not possible to organise a consultation event in the Village Hall. We appreciate that not everyone has access to online information so, in  order to encourage involvement, we have provided a summary of the changes, as well as response sheets, in the booklet delivered to WG households.

We would, however, ask that you also refer to the full Revised Plan. Limited copies of the Plan have also been provided in the Village Shop for those without online access. We would ask that those who are able to view online, do so, and do not take these copies and prevent others from being involved. In exceptional circumstances, for those unable to leave home,  a copy can be delivered on request; contact the Parish Clerk on 01403 701102.