Parish Council Finance
Year End Accounts for 2019/2020
A summary of your rights to inspect and Notice of Public Rights and Publication of unaudited Annual Return
Notice on Conclusion of Annual Audit
In order to comply with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, it is stipulated that the Parish Council must provide a scanned version of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). Unfortunately, this is inaccessible to screen readers, so if you require this information, please contact the Clerk.
External Audit Form – Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Page 1: Guidance Notes on Completing the 2019/2020 Annual Return
Page 2: Guidance Notes on Completing the 2019/2020 Annual Return
Page 3: Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/2020
Page 4: Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement for 2019/2020
Page 5: Section 2 – Accounting Statements for 2019/2020
Page 6: Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate
Bank Reconciliation for Year End March 2020
Explanation of Significant Variances
Annual Budget for year end 31 March 2020
Annual Report – explanation to the Council’s activities and expenditure over the year
Monitoring report for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – annual income and expenditure for year end 31 March 2019
Expenditure over £100 for year end 31 March 2020