Neighbourhood Plan Community Updates

Success !

The Post Examination Plan was adopted by the South Downs National Park Authority on 9th June 2016 and by Chichester District Council on 19th July 2016.

Your Parish Council is delighted to say that the Plan went through a successful referendum on 5th May 2016. There was a 36.58% turnout, with around 83% of voters in support. The Plan will now be ‘made’ (effectively adopted) by CDC for the area outside the South Downs National Park (SDNP) and by the SDNP Authority for the area within the Park. A report will go to CDC Cabinet on 7th June and will then move to Council for agreement to be ‘made’ on 19th July 2016. The SDNP Authority will adopt the Plan on 9th June. Once adopted by CDC and the SDNPA, the Neighbourhood Plan will be a key component of Planning Policy, setting out the local policies to inform the future development of this community. It also means that the Parish Council will receive 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy paid on development which will be used for a number of infrastructure projects in the village. This has been a long journey for the community so thank you to everyone who has been involved and to all those who voted.


The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan sets out the vision, objectives and policies for the sustainable development of the Parish from 2014 to 2029.

Its purpose is the allocation of development sites for new housing and to influence how such development impacts upon the village environment.

It has been drawn up by a Steering Group made up of Parish Council members and local residents, working under the auspices of Wisborough Gren Parish Council. At various stages, consultation has been held with the community and local authorities.

  • The Neighbhourhood Plan has recently been validated by an independent examiner. (Report here)
  • Some changes were required and these are made clear on the Plan available here and in the CDC’s Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 8 March available here.
  • The Plan deals with where our allocated minimum of 60 houses are best sited.
  • Other qualitative aspects of community life identified in the consultations of 2011 and 2012 are included in the Plan or in the accompanying Village Design Guide.
  • A simple majority vote approves the Plan.
  • It this doesn’t occur, the Plan development process will have to be repeated before locally derived building policies are in place.





7 am to 10 pm

Copies of the Plan can also be viewed at:
The Wisborough Green Stores and Post Office, The Three Crowns, The Cricketers Arms, Zest Hairdressers, Old Mill Cafe, The Pavilion

and at the Chichester District Council Offices at East Pallant House, Chichester, PO19 1TY
(Opening hours: Mon – Thurs: 08.45 – 17.10 and Fri: 08.45 – 17.00)

The Referendum is being organised by Chichester District Council. All those included on the electoral roll will receive a polling card. For further information, please visit the CDC website.

26 February 2016 Update (as given in March 2016 Parish Council Newsletter circulated at the beginning of March)

Those of you who have been following the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan for Wisborough Green will know that the culmination of the process is a local referendum through which the Plan is agreed upon, or not, by our residents. In our case this is likely to take place in May or June this year.

The Neighbourhood Plan has been 3 years in the making and has recently been through a validation process whereby a Planning Examiner reviewed our Plan to see if it fulfils the ‘basic conditions’ of national planning policy. The Examiner can make one of three recommendations:

• The Plan goes forward to referendum without amendment.
• The Plan goes forward to referendum but with amendments proposed by the Examiner to bring it into line with national policy.
• The Plan does not go forward.

The recommendation for our Plan is that it goes forward to referendum with amendments most of which relate either to changes that have occurred to planning policy since we started the neighbourhood planning process or where the policies we want to see are now covered by the recently published Chichester District Local Plan. So we now proceed to referendum.

The Parish Council is very aware of the local concerns raised by the recent application for housing development on the land behind the Cricketers, known as Winterfold. This site is in the Neighbourhood Plan but with a timescale for development after 2025. It is unfortunate that this phasing was one of the policies that the Planning Examiner said was inconsistent with national planning policy. We have recently met with Planning Officers at Chichester District Council to try and challenge the Examiner’s view on the phasing issue, but to no avail. Any reference to phasing will now have to be removed from the Neighbourhood Plan. Conversely the Examiner supported and strengthened the Greenspace policy associated with the Winterfold site. This will ensure that the Parish will gain a significant area of Greenspace for the benefit of the community.

Neighbourhood Plans are now a key component of Planning Policy, setting out as they do local policies to inform the future development of the community. The local planning department are required to take account of Neighbourhood Plans when determining both future policy and individual planning applications. Likewise the Parish Council will use the Plan to guide its response to future planning applications.

Without a Neighbourhood Plan the decision making reverts solely to Chichester District Council, reducing local influence considerably and making the village vulnerable to unwanted development. The Neighbourhood Plan referendum is important. It’s important that we get a good turnout and it’s important that we use it to ensure that we influence the future of Wisborough Green and not leave it to other people. Details of the referendum date will be sent to you by CDC and also advertised in the village.

Update 23rd November 2015
The Examiner’s Report on the Neighbourhood Plan has now been published by CDC and is available here.

Update – November 2015 (as reported in Parish Council newsletter to all households)
In the last newsletter we reported that the Chichester’s Local Plan had been adopted and our village Neighbourhood Plan was also progressing along the process of adoption. Our Plan is currently with the examiner and we await his comments with interest. Once his report has been received, it will be factually checked before being published by CDC. The Parish Council will then discuss and agree with CDC any amendment required by the Examiner, before a recommendation for a Parish referendum is made to the CDC Cabinet. In order to allow sufficient time and to meet the CDC Cabinet meeting dates (not helped by Christmas in the way too!), it does now look as though the referendum will be held next Spring. This process does seem very drawn out, but we are getting there! We will keep you informed.

Update – July 2015 (as reported in Parish Council newsletter to all households)
Adoption of Chichester’s Local Plan is also great news for the village as the Local Plan provides the basis for our own Neighbourhood Plan (NP) and strengthens the community’s wish for the future of Wisborough Green.
As advertised in the village, the Submission Plan has recently been on Regulation 16 consultation organised by CDC. An examiner has been appointed who will consider the Plan’s content, look at the evidence and review comments from the recent consultation. The Parish Council hopes that this will lead to a successful referendum in the autumn.
The importance of having a NP in place cannot be over stressed. We have already seen a misguided decision by CDC to allow development on the Land South of Meadowbank as our NP had not been published (delayed due to the oil planning application). Although the Parish Council disagrees with the size of this site, it has been approved and will be developed at some point; there is no going back. It is therefore important that this site is included in the NP to ensure that these 25 homes are part of the village housing allocation of a minimum of 60 and not in addition!
However, the Parish Council is already beginning to see that policies within our NP are being recognized by CDC and that the NP is now carrying more weight in planning terms. CDC will ultimately always make the planning decisions for our village, but as with the Local Plan, having a NP in place will again strengthen CDC’s ability to resist harmful speculative development. We will continue to update you as the process progresses.

Update – 30th April 2015

Thank you to all those who took the time to read and comment on the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan. 134 residents responded to the consultation with over 100 dropping into the consultation information sessions in the Village Hall in January. It was reassuring to hear that most people felt the Plan reflected well the needs and views of the village.

The Parish Council is now pleased to report that the Neighbourhood Plan has entered the next phase of the process. The Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to and accepted by Chichester District Council (CDC). The District Council will now publish the Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan for Wisborough Green on consultation from Thursday 30th April until 5.00 pm on Thursday 11th June 2015. During this period, representations may be submitted to CDC according to the information on their website and given below.

Following consultation on the Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan, held from 5th January to 16th January 2015, a number of changes were made to reflect the comments received from both statutory consultees and local residents. The complete consultation process and the changes made to the Plan have been recorded in the Consultation Statement submitted to CDC. A Basic Conditions Statement was also submitted which demonstrates how the Plan is compliant with national and local planning legislation.

You can view and comment upon the revised Submission Neighbourhood Plan, as well as view supporting documents, by clicking on this link to the CDC website.

From the site you can download a Consultation Response form. Once completed, it should be returned to CDC by email to or by post to Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Planning Policy, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester PO19 1TY.

A printed copy of the Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan is available to view at the Wisborough Green Post Office or at the CDC Office at East Pallant House, Chichester.

April 2015 Update (included in Parish Council newsletter)

Since the last newsletter (last October), we have consulted on the draft Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to all those who took the time to read and comment on the Plan. 134 residents responded to the consultation with over 100 of you dropping into the consultation information sessions in the Village Hall in January. It was reassuring to hear that most of you felt the Plan reflected well the needs and views of the village. Clearly there are some concerns about particular proposals but overall, the feedback was positive. We also consulted a range of organisations that have a stake in what happens in Wisborough Green, organisations such as the South Downs National Park Authority, Southern Water, Natural England, English Heritage and of course Chichester District Council (CDC). Again these organisations felt that we had created a positive and comprehensive Plan and where they had comment, it was largely about ways we could clarify and strengthen our proposals.

Since the end of the consultation the Neighbourhood Plan team has been analysing all the feedback and deciding on what our response should be. In some instances we have changed the Plan and where we have decided that the feedback did not warrant a change, we have set out our reasoning in a document called the Consultation Report. This is one of three documents that needs to accompany the Submission Version of the Plan when it is submitted to CDC. The other two are the ‘Basic Conditions Statement’ setting out how our Pan complies with planning policy and the ‘Proposed Modifications Table’ setting out the changes we have made to the Plan after the consultation. All these documents will be made available when the next consultation starts.

We are hoping to submit the Submission Version Neighbourhood Plan in the first half of April. CDC will then run another round of consultation, the Plan will then go for examination by a Planning Inspector and then if all goes well, to Local Referendum towards the end of 2015.

Since the last newsletter (last October), we have consulted on the draft Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to all those who took the time to read and comment on the Plan. 134 residents responded to the consultation with over 100 of you dropping into the consultation information sessions in the Village Hall in January. It was reassuring to hear that most of you felt the Plan reflected well the needs and views of the village. Clearly there are some concerns about particular proposals but overall, the feedback was positive. We also consulted a range of organisations that have a stake in what happens in Wisborough Green, organisations such as the South Downs National Park Authority, Southern Water, Natural England, English Heritage and of course Chichester District Council (CDC). Again these organisations felt that we had created a positive and comprehensive Plan and where they had comment, it was largely about ways we could clarify and strengthen our proposals.

Since the end of the consultation the Neighbourhood Plan team has been analysing all the feedback and deciding on what our response should be. In some instances we have changed the Plan and where we have decided that the feedback did not warrant a change, we have set out our reasoning in a document called the Consultation Report. This is one of three documents that needs to accompany the Submission Version of the Plan when it is submitted to CDC. The other two are the ‘Basic Conditions Statement’ setting out how our Pan complies with planning policy and the ‘Proposed Modifications Table’ setting out the changes we have made to the Plan after the consultation. All these documents will be made available when the next consultation starts.

We are hoping to submit the Submission Version Neighbourhood Plan in the first half of April. CDC will then run another round of consultation, the Plan will then go for examination by a Planning Inspector and then if all goes well, to Local Referendum towards the end of 2015.

The following information was posted to all households on the Electoral Role in December 2014

Pre-Submission Neihbourhood Plan Consultation (Now Closed)
Monday 5th January 2015 until 12 noon on Monday 16th February 2015


The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan is an important document for the future of Wisborough Green over the next fifteen years. It concerns everyone who lives in the village and values its unique heritage and community. This is likely to be the last, locally organised, opportunity for you to influence its content.

Due to a Government review of the planning process to address a perceived shortage of housing in the UK, every District Council has an allocation of new properties to be built over the next fifteen years. Chichester District Council has an allocation of 6,973 houses within the emerging Chichester District Local Plan to be built on specific sites across the district, with the remainder from ‘windfall’ sites (sites of 5 houses or less).

The Parish of Wisborough Green has an allocated site requirement for a minimum of 60 new houses over this period. As with all parish councils, we have the opportunity to influence how such development impacts on our village by completing a Neighbourhood Development Plan in consultation with the local community.

In Wisborough Green this has been a lengthy, thorough and robust process that has incorporated local comment and opinion from several consultations, as well as independent planning guidance. This collaborative approach involving an initial community survey, community consultation exhibition, presentations and village character appraisals workshops has produced the evidence required for the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Further development in Wisborough Green is inevitable, and acceptable, to most in the realisation that a living, thriving village require sufficient housing stock that is flexible to the needs of the local community. The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan will allow us to ensure that the landscape and character of the village is protected as this happens. It enables us to participate in how the community is developed and provides the opportunity to influence where the new houses are to be built, and what they look like.

The Parish Council, with voluntary help and support from additional villagers, believes that the hard work and determination dedicated to the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan has resulted in the production of a Plan that best suits the current requirements of the community, and is worthy of the responsibility of taking Wisborough Green into the future.

What do you need to do?

Firstly: Read the Plan: The Plan can be found:
By clicking here.
Printed copies available at: The Post Office, The Cricketers Arms, The Three Crowns,

The Old Mill Café, Zest Hairdressers and The Pavilion.

Come along to the Village Hall on Friday 16th January (3 pm – 8 pm) or Saturday 17th January (10 am to 4 pm) – The Plan will be available for you to read and the main policy section will be enlarged and displayed for ease of reading. Refreshments will be available and members of the Plan Steering Group will be on hand to answer any questions.

Secondly: Let us know what you think by 12 noon on Monday 16th February 2015.
You can do this by:
Download and save this form for edited comments and email back as an attachment to:
and print this form for handwritten comments and return as below.

Return the form: via the Parish Council post box at the village hall, collecting box at the Post Office, or bring it along to the Village Hall on Friday 16th January (3 pm – 8 pm) or Saturday 17th January (10 am to 4 pm) or return by post to:
Wisborough Green Parish Council, PO Box 255, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 0WT.

What happens if we don’t have a Neighbourhood Plan?

New development is inevitable. Without a Neighbourhood Plan, development applications and their approval could revert directly to CDC policies without recourse to local influence or opinion. Applications could be approved far in excess of the allocated site requirement of a minimum of 60 houses and the village would have little influence on the position or design of such housing.

You can see what an important and influential document the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan is for us all, so please take the time to read and give your comments.

The feedback received through this consultation process will be considered by the Parish Council in their determination of the content of the final Plan which we are hoping to submit to both Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority in the spring of 2015. There will then be a formal consultation, an examination by a Planning Inspector and a local referendum. Hopefully, by the autumn of 2015, Wisborough Green will have its own Neighbourhood Plan. 


THE PROCESS – details of the creation of the Plan as recorded in Parish Council Newsletters and circulated to all households.

EVIDENCE BASE – on which the Plan was based, including consultation evidence and site analysis.

RESPONSE FORM – download here, complete and return by email to