Things to do in the garden this month by Ian Clemens
- Any dormant fuchsias that you’ve over-wintered in the greenhouse can be put on the staging so that they are in full light and given a misting of water to encourage them to start wakening up.
- This is your last chance to winter prune that Really!
- Check stored dahlia tubers, discarding any that have rotted. Move the tubers into a light, warm place and they’ll soon come into
- Start planning this year’s bedding. Time to plant antirrhinums, marigolds, begonias, cosmos, lobelia petunias and pansies from seed.
- Hopefully you’ve been saving egg boxes to use for chitting your seed potatoes. If not then a seed tray or modules will do. Chit them now for planting from mid-March onwards.
- Sow windowsill crops of salad leaves and
- Start planting broad beans, brassicas, carrots, parsnips and
- Indoors sowing of tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and
- Plant new fruit trees and continue to prune those that are already