Review of the Year
2024 was another good year for the society. We ended it with a strong membership and a healthy bank balance. In addition, we have added to our archive with some accessions that not only give us a glimpse into life in the past but add valuably to the historical record of Wisborough Green.
We welcomed eleven new members during the year and although this is not as many new joiners as the previous year, membership renewals have been high, so we are growing steadily which is a welcome trend. Many of our members are happy to belong ‘from afar’ so in spite of the growing membership, the monthly meetings remain at a fairly constant level of regular attendees and the intimate nature of the meetings is retained.
Our finances as we go into the New Year are particularly good and we must now consider priorities for spending some of our bounty. This will be an item for discussion at this month’s meeting. Our financial position meant that we could retain our membership fees for 2024/25 at the same level as before.
In 2023 we experimented with evening meetings and held two, which were well attended and encouraged us to plan more during 2024. Unfortunately, the success promised by 2023’s attendances didn’t materialise last year, so for the moment we have not scheduled any evening meetings for 2025. The attendance was probably affected to some degree by competing sporting events, but the modest turnout for an external speaker at one of the evening meetings was disappointing.
One of our meetings where the attendance was far from disappointing was in February when sisters Norma Morra and Denise Kent, daughters of PC Alan Kent the village bobby, visited and talked to us about their childhood in Wisborough Green. The nature of this was in the vein of “a conversation with…” rather than a formal presentation, and everyone present engaged with and shared the memories
that were evoked. This format seems particularly suited to our regular meetings and is one that we will consider utilising more often. Happily, Norma and Denise subsequently joined the society. In April, Angela Lerwill (also a society member) talked to us about life at Frithwood and the book that she has written and published called Tales of a Sussex Family Farm. Following this in July, Miles Costello came and talked about the life and work of Wisborough Green artist Harold Roberts.
This year we re-started the guided walks of the village which we had ceased pre-COVID. These are aimed primarily at organised groups such as the U3A. We conducted six walks, four of them fee-paying which provided a very welcome boost to society funds. We made donations to St. Peter’s church from the fees, because some time is spent there at the end of the walks.
This year’s theme was “Farms and Farming” with perhaps the most memorable aspect being the wind blowing down of the gazebos. Luckily, members of the Fete committee swooped with lightning speed to help recover the situation.
Last year we held our first Christmas social event with the idea that, if successful, we would repeat the occasion. Well, it all went very well and there was a unanimous vote to hold another and this took place on 14th December last when some 40 members, partners and invited guests from outside the society enjoyed convivial chat and the tempting buffet. The date for 2025 has already been set.
The Society meets in the Committee Room at the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 10.30am and occasionally at other places and times, and we warmly welcome new members. For further details, please call Paul Killingbeck on 01403 700704, or come along to one of our meetings.
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Andrew Strudwick