Minibus logoWisborough Green DivisionMinibus charity

Registered Charity No: 1173818

Local Coordinator: Dave Wallace

47, Carters Way, Wisborough Green RH14 0BX
Tel: 01403 700320   Email:

To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association. The annual membership to December 2023 is £10 payable to the escort on your first trip on the minibus.


Summer is coming to its end, such as it was, and we look forward to continuing our services for the rest of the year. Just a reminder, membership is open to all residents of Wisborough Green and **SPECIAL OFFER** for anyone joining for the rest of 2024, your £10 will also include all of 2025 – now that really is a bargain! Our normal service includes door-to-door transport twice a week, plus extra social outings and, for those close to Wyatt House, transport also to the ever-popular St Peter’s Luncheon Club. This is all possible due to our wonderful team of all-volunteer drivers and escorts, and we are always on the lookout for new additions here – just let me know if you may be interested in joining us and I’ll give you all the details you need to decide if you might get involved. I include below all this coming month’s destinations (booked through Fran Wallace on 700320 except for special social outings, booked through Ros Harvey 701934). Val Mourilyan handles arrangements for the Luncheon Club (700089)

All the best,
Dave Wallace, Local Coordinator

Destinations for SEPTEMBER 2024 and early OCTOBER (All depart at 9.30 am unless stated otherwise)

Day Date Destination
Tuesday 03 Godalming & Waitrose
Wednesday 04 Michelham Priory (Depart 10 am)
Friday 06 Lidl & Summer Ponds
Tuesday 10 Guildford
Friday 13 Horsham & Sainsburys
Tuesday 17 Storrington
Wednesday 18 St Peter’s Luncheon Club (Wyatt House & environs only – contact Val Mourilyan 700089) 12 for 12.30 pm
Friday 20 Cranleigh & Notcutts
Tuesday 24 Tesco Broadbridge Heath
Friday 37 Godalming & Waitrose
Tuesday 01 Lidl & Summer Ponds
Wednesday 02 Sovereign Harbour (Depart 10 am)
Friday 04 Horsham

We are always open to suggestions of additional destinations / special trips (marked in red) – just get in touch with me using the details above

Please book through Ros Harvey on 01403 701934