Janet Duncton

Although things slow considerably during August meeting wise, all the work goes on.

Many of you will have noticed the amount of road closures and road resurfacing etc that has been taking place locally.  I am pleased to see this happen and yes, I know it inconveniences some residents but if we want the work done I’m afraid that has to happen.  However most residents do understand and at the end we get some better roads so as the local County Councillor I am generally pleased.

It is a continuous job reporting highways issues and of course I’m happy to do it and cheered when we get the improvements done.  Please don’t think I am not aware of the issues that are outstanding etc.  I can only report what needs to be done, no Councillors control the letting of the contracts but I do know the Officers are doing all they can to accommodate our requests.  It’s not always easy with weather conditions, staff shortages etc but they are trying.

While on highways there is the other problem that occurs of sudden road closure and we didn’t know about them.

This is because the Statutory authorities like Water for instance do not even have to request road closures when a problem occurs in the highway they just get on and try and sort the problem out.

A lot of my time in August has been taken up with South Downs National Park.

The reason for this has been that we have been getting on with appointing a new Chief Executive and as some will be aware Tim Slaney has been acting CEO since Trevor departed at the end of December.  We had 2 whole days on 9th and 10th August with a small Panel of us interviewing the short list Candidates.  This started at 8.30am and if we were lucky finished by 5pm so by the time you get home, sort the family meal etc it didn’t leave much time for other things.

However the process is now complete and on the 22nd August we will hold a meeting for the South Downs National Park Authority so that everyone will know the successful applicant and tantalisingly as I write this I cannot tell you who it is because the rest of the Authority have not been told.  Watch this space for the next edition although you will probably see the name from press releases etc.  Exciting times.

Although member meetings except for the odd Parish Council do not meet in August it has to go on business as usual and there have recently been lots of work taking place in our Libraries, Fire Service and Children’s Services and probably every other Service that County provides.

A quick mention for Libraries  The first one to be made energy efficient has been completed in Findon and the rest will be done with a gradual process.  I expect you can imagine this is a costly exercise but something that will see us going forward with much better efficient buildings so we must continue the work.

If I didn’t mention it before we now have the new Chief Executive working at County.  I said before but as a reminder his name is Leigh Whitehouse and he comes from Surrey County Council.  I look forward to working with him.

As ever, please contact me if you think I can help with a County issue it’s  07979 152898 or janet.duncton@westsussex.gov.uk  Have a great autumn and let’s hope the weather is kind to us all.

Janet Duncton
County Councillor Petworth division
WSCC representative on South Downs National Park




As ever if you need to contact me with County issues it’s janet.duncton@westsussex.gov.uk or mobile 07979 152898.

Janet Duncton
County Councillor Petworth division