Renegades Update

Renegades Update

Renegades honour D-Day fallen The Renegades youth club took part in a very special vigil at the Wisborough Green cenotaph to mark D-Day. “This was something incredibly important for the children to do and understand. We explained the significance and details of...
District Cllr Writes

District Cllr Writes

Dear Residents, As I write this update it feels like the weather hasn’t caught up with the time of year yet! Hopefully by the time you are reading it will have improved. Gareth and I continue to be busy, working hard on behalf of our communities, but have also been...
County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

County Cllr. Janet Duncton Writes

It’s been a busy time at both West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park but the strange thing is that there isn’t a lot to report to all the residents. First of all I would like to mention the 6th June and the 80th anniversary of D day. We go over...
Neighbourhood Watch Update

Neighbourhood Watch Update

WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. The fraud often begins when a member of...
Member of Parliament Update

Member of Parliament Update

Representing a rural constituency, I am passionate supporter of our farmers and their contribution to both putting food on our tables and conserving our environment. With this in mind, I was delighted by the news that Waitrose and the Co-op have launched ‘Best of...