Tanglewood Nursery Development Proposal

Tanglewood Nursery

Many residents in Wisborough Green have received a flyer which details proposals for the development of 10 dwellings on the old nursery site.
The site has been identified by the village and included in the Reviewed Neighbourhood Plan (for 9 dwellings) which has been through the Regulation 14 consultation. The Reviewed Plan cannot be progressed until the Chichester Local Plan progresses to further consultation anticipated in early 2023.

The developer has presented these plans to the Parish Council and advised of this consultation event. When the planning application is submitted and is on consultation, the Parish Council will meet in public to review the details and submit a formal comment to Chichester District Council.

This is the village’s opportunity to comment and inform design details for the planning application; please do use this opportunity to have your say.



Neighbourhood Plan Update – Included in August 2022 Newsletter

The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Review is nearing the end of the review process and is currently undergoing a ‘Health Check’ by an external advisor, to ensure that it meets the Basic Conditions and National Planning Policy Framework requirements.

The review process and policy amendments have had to tread a fine line between its intended purpose of protecting the integrity of the village and passing examination, enabling it to be ‘made’ (adopted) by CDC.

The NP Review team has worked extremely hard to achieve this milestone, over a period of years, and all in spite of the complications that arose due to the continuing delay of the Chichester Local Plan Review.

We will continue to keep the community updated as the reviewed Plan goes through its final stages.